Hello everyone!
It's been quite some time without word.
First, I want to thank everyone for the continued support with The Darkest Trilogy. I can't tell you all how amazing it is to know that my words have touched so many of you!
Second, I want to update everyone on my radio silence. My daughter is about to turn one in just under a week! Adjusting to having both a newborn and a preschooler (technically a kindergartner!) has been trying. I haven't been back to my day job since she was born, but it's still been overwhelming! I don't know how some women manage to make it look so easy, but I've finally been finding a way to balance it all.
Which brings me to my third point. I've been writing again!
Well, editing, actually. I've been working on something else I began years ago. It's still in the draft stages, but I'm approaching the final, and I hope to have it out soon. This one is a little different from The Darkest Trilogy, though it does follow the story of a teenage girl thrust into a new life.
That's all I've got for now! I can't wait to share more with everyone, and hope to soon!
Thanks again for all of the support. I really, truly appreciate it!